Code Generation
Clarabase is all about providing the right abstractions so you can focus on building value and not on repetitive plumbing and CRUD code. As such, in addition the APIs that you automatically get for each Resource you create, you can also instantly download SDKs for your API on the Code Gen page.
The SDK will take care of managing authentication--requesting and refreshing access tokens--for you, all you need to do is provide your ClientId and Client Secret as environment variables. Note that the SDK is meant to be used server side only as it will contain your secrets. The SDKs all include methods that implement the API, specifically methods to CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE resources.
In addition, you can generate starter code for frameworks like Next.js and SvelteKit or collections for Postman and Insomnia.
You can also add images simply by copying and pasting them directly into the editor — and GitBook will automatically add it to your file manager.
Last updated